Brent Manila

Alumni Gala


Festivities kick off in

The Brent Manila Alumni Gala gathers alumni from all across the globe, giving former classmates and friends a chance to reminisce and catch up on their favorite school memories and current endeavors. 

We invite all Brent alumni to attend the Worldwide Gala 2024 on June 8, 2024 at the Brent International School Manila campus in Biñan, Laguna.

We will be having a special toast to our Class of 2019, 2014, 2009, 2004, 1999, 1994, and 1989 for their 5 year, 10 year, 15 year, 20 year, 25 year, 30 year, and 35 year anniversaries.

We will also be using the special evening to honor the President of Brent Schools Inc., our very own Mr. Dick B. Robbins.

We hope that you may join us in celebrating Mr. Robbins along with your fellow Lions that used to roam the halls of Brent Manila.

We are excited to see you all there at an evening that is certainly going to be one to remember!

Worldwide Gala 2024

Brent Manila

Register for the Reunion

  • Fill out the RSVP form below to register for the reunion. Reply and indicate whether or not you will attend.

Update Your Alumni Information

  • Once registered, remember to also update your alumni information. We want to make sure we have your correct and current information.

Plan to Attend

  • Contact fellow alumni to plan on meeting up at the gala. Refer to this location map for directions to the Brent Manila campus.


Want to contribute your story? Send us your favorite memory of your Brent days

    Batch Year (year graduated or would have graduated from Brent)

    Get Involved

    Our evening program will feature different activities that are unique to the Brent family.

    • Interactive greetings from Brentonians all over the world
    • What’s new with Brent
    • Brent musical productions
    • Banquet feast 
    • A special toast to our Class of 2019, 2014, 2009, 2004, 1999, 1994, and 1989 for their 5 year, 10 year, 15 year, 20 year, 25 year, 30 year, and 35 year anniversaries.
    • A special recognition to honor the work and contributions of Mr. Dick B. Robbins
      Mr. Robbins has dedicated himself to our beloved Brent Schools for more than three decades. He first joined Brent on April 17, 1990 and served as Brent Manila’s Headmaster from 1995 until being appointed President of Brent Schools Inc. in 2015. During his tenure, Mr. Robbins helped guide the Brent Schools as they grew into the world-class educational institutions that they are today.
    • Brent School Song

    Program will be streamed live from this website so join us online if you can’t be physically present. The more Lions, the merrier!

    See you in the Wide, Wide World!

    Visit this site to keep up-to-date on the latest alumni information and happenings.

    Contact the planning team if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions:

    [email protected]
    +63 (2) 8779-5140 to 46, +63 (40) 544-5100 to 01 local 551
    Monday Through Friday: 7:30am to 4:30pm

    Visit Brent Manila Alumni page and add us on 

    Brent International School Manila

    Please Respond

    Please reply and indicate whether you will be able to attend.

      Batch Year (year graduated or would have graduated from Brent)

      Notes / Message